niedziela, 13 marca 2011

antHILL- big things

A lot of time has passed since we have posted any news about our game. Of course we were not doing nothig. We have done SOMETHING and by SOMETHING I mean:
-digging (it still needs improvement...)
Actually everything what is done needs more than few day of hard working on it... Me (kudlacz964) and kopu had a fight, but now everything is ok and we can work together again. We will release our first alpha version soon, so be patient!

czwartek, 10 marca 2011

antHILL- hunter ant

This is a hunter ant. At the beginning this image was a soldier concept, but now I see it us more like hunter that any other killing profession... It is all about the hat I guess.

niedziela, 6 lutego 2011

antHILL- worker ant

This is a worker ant. It is hard to notice, but this ant is a female... Bright orange elements and classical dungarees make this ant simple and cognoscible.

sobota, 5 lutego 2011

antHILL- few changes

After few days of doing nothing we have decided not to make a whole new engine and use Game Maker instead. Game Maker gives us everything we need, so there is no need to spend weeks working on engine. We were thinkig really hard about dividing screen into two and we have come out with a great idea: we want to divide whole game into two modes! In one of them player will dig and build and in the second one they will be able to walk and explore anthill.

czwartek, 27 stycznia 2011

antHILL- larva ant

This is an ant's larva and it is that big, because it should be. It consists of fat and proteins. And adult ant.

środa, 26 stycznia 2011

antHILL- finally authorized on IndieDB

It is Wednesday and finally, after 3 long days, our game has been authorized on IndieDB! It is truly great dope because of large popularity of IndieDB. In Poland we have still a winter break, but soon we will have a lot of spare time during academic term (until its end and beginnig of summer holidays...). Oh, I have almost forgotten! Here is a link for our game profile on IndieDB:

antHILL- male ant

This is just my first idea how male ant can look like (picture is so small due to small size of ants of course...).

antHILL- main assumptions

As we have written in the summary we want antHILL to be as simple as it can be. After a year of thinking we have finally came out with an idea of making game based on ants' life. All ants have the same look, but different functions. Few of them are males, a lot of them are warriors or farmers and one of them is a queen. In antHILL we have to make every kind of ant special in the way they look like. We have decided to make our ants a little bit like humans, with ties or helmets. The very special thing about ants and other social insects is their way to communicate each other. They use pheromones. During playing antHILL players will not have to control every ant in their anthill! They will choose one and by moving her with arrows they will left pheromone path to food or water. Other ants like workers or farmers will follow this path by their own, collecting goods for a queen. Ants have to dig their anthill in the ground and this groung will be as random as it can be! Ants can find mushrooms, beetles or other ants underground! Okey then, give as some time and we will give you a great game in return!